Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fluffy Watermelon Snow

Cool, Refreshing, and Super Easy! Fully Vegan, Plus Free of Refined Sugars, Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Nuts, Etc.
  • Fresh Watermelon with all the juice (I used about 3 cups when I made it because that's all I had left after cutting up the watermelon and eating most of it)
You can use as much watermelon as you'd like, just make sure you have enough containers and room in your freezer.

  1. Cut watermelon into chunks that will fit into your blender, make sure to catch all the juice and keep it with the watermelon. You will need it.
  2. Put watermelon and all the juice from the watermelon into your blender. Pulse your blender a few times until the watermelon has broken up and started to liquify.
  3. Blend on high until all the watermelon has been liquified.
  4. Pour watermelon liquid into flat freezer-safe containers, and freeze overnight.
  5. Take container out of the freezer and let sit on the counter for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Take a fork and start scraping the watermelon until you have enough for a bowl of fluffy watermelon snow.
  7. Enjoy!
This recipe is low calorie, and free of refined sugars. The only ingredient is watermelon, so the nutrition facts are the same.

Say you blended 1 cup of watermelon, then ate 1/2 of the container:
23 Calories
0% Total Fat
0% Cholesterol
0% Sodium (1mg)
2% Carbohydrates (5.7g)
1% Fiber (.3g)
4.7g Sugar (All natural sugars)
.5g Protein
9% Vitamin A
10% Vitamin C
1% Calcium
1% Iron

Double nutrition facts for the whole container.