Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Chopsticks!!!

My Friend Alysse came over today bearing gifts! She had already given me Two 2 tiered bentos, a snack bento, 3 condiment containers, an insulated bento bag, and a matching napkin all from the Natural Lunch bento line. And today she brought me Chopsticks in a carrying case!
These Natural Lunch Chopsticks come in the light green color I love, and have a clear plastic carrying case.
Here they are in the case... a perfect fit!
All closed up and ready to go!

I'm super excited to start using them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My bento collection is growing and I am so grateful to my friends for supplying me with such wonderful bento accessories. Thank you!!!!!!


  1. You are SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. How lucky you are! Your friend is so nice...! I have to buy all bento stuffs myself ;). I love the chopsticks, look super sweet!

  3. Thank you!!!

    I am lucky to have generous friends. My friend Alysse (the one who gave me the chopsticks) had gone to Japan and brought me back a lot of bento goodies.

  4. I'm so, so glad you like them! ^_^
