Friday, May 13, 2011

In Loving Memory

Earlier this morning my fiance and I had to put our cat Todd to sleep. He was a very good cat and he will be sorely missed. I wrote a little obituary for him.

April 1st 1996 - May 13th 2011

In Loving Memory of Todd Johnson.
He passed away peacefully early May 13 2011 in the arms of his loved ones.  Born April 1st 1996, Beloved Cat and Companion, he was blessed from the start. Being the runt of the litter, and having many medical issues including a heart murmur, the vet did not believe he would live past 5 years. He was a Miracle Kitty, living more than 15 years and touching the lives of everyone who knew him.
He had a good life surrounded by loving family and friends. Learning how to box at a young age he liked to surprise attack his family’s legs when they were least expecting it and he enjoyed jumping and chasing ribbons. Being very playful and also an escape artist, he was able to jump tall gates as a kitten, and enjoyed two ventures outside. Since he was an indoor cat he enjoyed looking out the window and watching the birds and squirrels, and every time we left the house he would watch us from the window. He could hear the car coming up the driveway and he would run back to the window meowing and greeting us at the door.
Despite his health issues and his age, he acted like a young kitten and he will be sorely missed by his Mother Kellie, his Adopted Mother Kat, His Grandmother Kathy, his Great Grandmother Ann, and all his friends.