Friday, March 11, 2011

Movie Theater Snack Bento

Sorry for the bad quality picture. I don't like using flash, but it's just too cloudy today to use natural light.

Anyway, Tonight my friend is bringing me and a few others out to see Red Riding Hood in theaters. She has movie passes, so she invited us along since she knew we wanted to see it.
And instead of spending a lot of money on High Calorie greasy Movie Theater snacks, I'm going to sneak in a snack bento. I usually sneak in snacks, but this is the first time I brought a snack bento.
I wanted it to be pretty healthy, but it turned out not as great as I was planning. lol. Oh well. At least it's much better then the 100 calorie popcorn at the theater. YUCK!

  • 10 Grapes
  • Strawberry
  • 100 Calorie pretzels
  • Annie's Citrus Bunny Fruit Snacks
  • Stick of Sugar Free Mint Chocolate Chip Gum
  • 1/4 Cup Raisinets
  • Not Pictured (Mandarin Orange Seltzer)
I'm so excited to eat my bento, and to watch the movie with my friends. It's going to be a good night!


  1. Thanks. As long as you have a purse or pockets big enough to put your bento in, no one will notice you bring it in.
