Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hamburger Kabob Bento

This bento is super simple, but it was just what I wanted. We had Turkey Burgers for dinner, and I decided to slice up some large cherry tomatoes and make a hamburger kabob. I also cut my corn on the cob into thirds and decorated it with Mushroom letters.
All packed in my Hamburger Bento Box!
 A Hamburger inside a HambUrger Bento Box...
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Spinach
  • Mushroom Letter spelling out YUM!
  • Hamburger Kabobs (Turkey Burger cut into 8ths alternating with Tomato slices)
  • Spinach
So I know this is a very simple and plain bento (I didn't even have pickles or any sauce to dip my burger in) but I felt like eating a plain meal because I am undergoing a Gluten Intolerance test next week, and I have to eat gluten before taking the test. But since I started eating foods with gluten in it, I have been feeling sick and tired, and moody. So I made a very simple bento for dinner.
But I thought it would be cute to at least pack it in a special bento box. :)


  1. Awww, so cute! Love the letters! Hee! And the 'bob's look all pretty! X-D
